After a prolonged and painful recovery from PTSD following two tours as an army medic, Jason, a rugged, yet sensitive, gay, thirty-seven year old army Gulf War veteran has turned away from society. One day he bought a national lottery ticket on a whim and won, instantly making him a multimillionaire. He has lived in seclusion with his animals on a two hundred acre, secluded mountain estate in the northernmost Rocky Mountains for eleven years.
One morning, while checking his cabin for damage after a violent autumn storm, Jason discovers an unconscious young man hanging precariously from a torn parachute in a tree on his property. Unsure whether he is even alive, Jason cuts him down and relying on his prior medic training, brings him into his home to care for him. As a result of the storm Jason has lost his satellite dish and there are no roads for miles. Jason must now care for him alone.
While treating his injuries, Jason is conflicted by his attraction to the young man’s adonis-like muscular physique when he is forced to undress him during his examination. When Jason’s loins begin to surge, he struggles to contain his rising desires as he wrestles with the vivid, torrid images that flash before his eyes, but his kindness and concern for the young man prevail, and he buries his feelings deep inside. Later, while the young man is still unconscious, Jason begins to re-examine his broken bones as he bathes him and change his dressings. The young man begins to moan and develops an erection when Jason draws the soapy washcloth across his groin. Jason panics and has a flashback to his time in the service when he was wrongfully accused and tried for the sexual assault of a fellow soldier. Before he realizes it, Jason flees his cabin, leaving the delirious young man alone.
After pulling himself together, Jason returns and forces himself to continue his examination and care. In the ensuing hours, days, and weeks, Jason learns he is twenty-three year old Aaron, a closeted, professional quarterback who lost his lover in the plane accident that delivered him to Jason’s door and that he has a ravenous sexual appetite that he is unable to satisfy because of his injuries.
Will Jason relent and put aside his own fears in order to satisfy Aaron’s desires? After being alone for so long, will Jason give in to the lustful feelings he has for Aaron’s body that continue to smolder just beneath the surface of his friendly facade, or will he be able to keep his own desires buried deep enough and long enough to see Aaron return to society and the life and career he was ripped away from? Thrown together by fate, will Jason’s kindness and Aaron’s sense of debt develop into a deep, life-long friendship? Can it develop into something more? Dare they dream? Dare we?
Heat Level: 4 ~ Be advised M/M sex, rimming, toys

+18 Reader Only Excerpt:
When he looked over at Aaron, it was obvious that he’d been disturbed by the shout from the unsettled look on his face, but it hadn’t been enough to wake him. He also noticed that the sheet and blanket were off him again, and he had another raging erection. He was so focused on Aaron’s penis, he didn’t realize that Aaron had woken up. Instinctively, Jason began to reach for it, but withdrew his hand almost immediately.
“You can touch it,” Aaron whispered.
Jason nearly jumped off the bed.
“No really, Jason, you can touch it. Please, you have my permission,” he said more clearly.
“Oh God, what’s happening?” Jason whispered.
“I watched you sleep last night, Jason. You’re a beautiful man. I’d be lucky to find someone like you.”
“Aaron, I’m sorry.” Jason sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, turning away.
“Jason, listen to me.”
Jason stood up and walked towards the window. He wanted to run away.
“Jason, look at me.”
Jason turned to face him, unaware that his own erection was straining against his jeans. He focused his gaze above Aaron’s head. Aaron focused on the bulge in Jason’s jeans.
“Can I be honest with you, Jason?”
Jason didn’t answer.
“Jason, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but here goes. We have to be realistic about this. You’re a man. I’m a man. You’re gay. I’m gay. And for God knows how long, we’re gonna be confined to this cabin. It could be months.”
“Everything you’ve said is the truth,” Jason answered quietly, lowering his eyes to meet Aaron’s gaze.
“Jason, I can’t pretend to know what’s going on in your head, so I can only speak for myself, and please believe me when I say this. I have needs, Jason, physical needs. I always have, and I now find that I’m very attracted to you. I don’t think it’s just because of what you’ve done for me or that I think I owe you something. Well, to be honest, that may be part of it, sort of like hero worship or something, but it’s only a small part, and besides, if I’d have met you on the street before I met Nathan, I would’ve jumped your bones in a minute.”
Aaron tensed his mouth and closed his eyes momentarily. Jason noticed the look on Aaron’s face at the mention of Nathan’s name. When Aaron opened his eyes again, he looked directly into Jason’s eyes.
“Jason, I don’t think you know just how darn handsome you are. You have a powerful masculine musk, and I’m drawn to it. The first time I got a hard-on when you were washing me, it was purely physical. I couldn’t help it, but over the past few days, I’m finding myself wanting you more and more. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I want you to make love to me. I’m a very good lover, Jason, though obviously,” Aaron waved his arm over his broken body, “I can’t back that up right now.”
Jason looked blankly at Aaron. He didn’t speak.
“Well, say something, Jason. What are you feeling?”
Jason forced the words out. “Aaron, it would be wrong.”
“How can that be when I’m throwing myself at you right now!”
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