Welcome, Doris. Your new novel, Her Best Friend’s Husband, certainly turned me on my ear once I realized the best friend and husband were a gay couple! Even as a gay man, my thought process has been so indoctrinated into the “norms” of an historically heterosexual society, I never considered that possibility. Kudos to you on that!

All authors have their own reasons for writing a book. What are yours?
I simply listen to the voices in my head, when they demand I tell their story.
What would you like readers to take away from your story? Does it contain a message?
That love conquers everything.
Where did you find your inspiration for the story? Was it a person, a current event, something you witnessed, or something else?
Like so many of my stories the idea for this one was first sparked by a picture and the resulting tease on my blog.
The picture was a naked guy in bed, holding a wedding cake. How did I arrive from that to this story? Well, my muse works in mysterious ways, lol. The story slowly evolved and it was stuck in limbo for a long time, until I got the urge one day to pick up that manuscript, and the rest is history, as they say. ☺

Did you face any obstacles or challenges while writing the story and if so, what were they?
Like I said above, it stayed in limbo for a while, over a year in fact, until the characters started talking to me again, and then my fingers flew.
What have you learned from the main characters in your story?
How much emphasis do you put on supporting characters to move the plot of your stories along? Have any of your supporting characters ever gotten their own story?
Oh, most of my series never started out as such. As I write a side character would pop up and demand I write theirs and before you know it, I have a series on my hands, lol.
Do you write in other genres and if so, what are they? What genres would you like to try that you haven’t already?
I have a very unpredictable muse, so I write across several genres and subgenres. So far, I’ve written contemporary, paranormal, Sci-fi, Interracial, and suspense erotic romance with varying degrees of kink. M/F, M/M, F/F, MMF, MFM.
I would love to write a YA romance one day, but I can’t ever see that happening in reality, as my characters simply cannot keep their hands off each other. Never say never though, right?
What or who influences your writing?
Literally everything I see, read, and watch. My writing is constantly evolving and that’s the way it should be. There’s always room for improvement, after all.
What is your writing process? Are you a patnser or a plotter, or a little of both?
Utter and complete pantster here.
Do you have any author idols and if so, how would you like to meet them?
I was fortunate to meet one of my favourite authors—Heidi Rice—at the start of my writing journey and I found her workshop to be invaluable. Not least because she’s a panster like me. Such a revelation that was.
Since then I’ve become friends with many of the authors I used to read in awe, and it still gives me such a thrill, when we communicate. Albeit via e-mail or Social Media only, as I have yet to make it across the big pond. One day I will.

What do you do in your down time to feed your soul?
I spend time with my family, binge watch fav series (Grey’s Anatomy, Outlander, Vikings, to name but a few), I read, walk the dogs, etc.
What’s next on your literary horizon?
Well, my muse currently has me writing four different stories at the same time. She seems incapable of making up her mind and settling down to just one.
glares at said muse
I’m also planning on adding to The Projects, The Warriors and The Cleaners next year.
What is important in your life and why?
My family, they always come first. Hubby and I have been blessed with nine children and various fur babies. While several of our kids are now adults, and two don’t live with us anymore but their respective partners, they will always be our priority.
Our youngest is only six, so I’m a mummy and wife before anything else.
Your best friend’s wedding is not the time to realize how much you love him…
Wedding organizer Naomi Young is not only head-over-heels in love with her best friend, she lusts after his husband.
Which is all kinds of wrong—isn’t it? Maybe not. Especially when she discovers the attraction is not as one-sided as she thought.
Dom Dawson Monroe has never had a problem going after what he wants. Both he and his new husband Josh Garrison enjoy a woman’s soft touch, so who better to satisfy that need than the one woman Josh is madly in love with? Time to claim them both as his submissives.
Convention be damned. Happiness is to be found in the soft curves of Naomi’s body, as long as they can convince her that this is forever. Only time will tell if the loving twosome can become an even more loving threesome.
Be Warned: BDSM, m/m sex, menage sex (MMF), double penetration
“Perhaps the boy’s timing was unfortunate, but he would only owe you an apology if you hadn’t enjoyed that kiss. And we all know you did. I’d wager you’re getting wet just remembering those kisses. I know I got hard witnessing it. You two look hot together.”
Naomi gasped and opened her mouth as though to protest, but one knowing smirk from Dawson meant she simply shook her head.
“Nothing to say to that, little one?”
That question, delivered in that deep, dark, gravelly voice—his Dom voice, as Josh called it—appeared to have the same effect on Naomi, as it always did on him. Her breathing sped up, and she tensed. While he couldn’t see them from his position in his back seat, Josh bet his next orgasm that her nipples were hard little beacons signaling her arousal as clearly as the moan she swallowed. It made him wish this infernal journey was over already. He couldn’t wait to see his life-long friend squirm in pleasure under his and Dawson’s hands.
His Master’s gaze dropped down to Naomi’s cleavage and Dawson’s grin turned positively sinful.
“Never mind words, your body gives you away. If I touched you now, I’d find you sopping wet for us, wouldn’t I? In fact…”
Dawson reached across and placed his large hand on Naomi’s knee. She jumped but didn’t stop him as he proceeded to pull up the hem of her dress, exposing acres of dark skin. The contrast of Dawson’s much lighter hand on Naomi’s thighs was startling. Josh groaned, and Naomi crunched the gear again as the traffic started moving.
“Please, I … don’t.” She flung an imploring look at Master and gasped when his hand briefly disappeared between her ample thighs. Josh balled his hands into fists to stop himself from grasping his dick, because seeing Master’s hand reappear seconds later, his digits glistening with the unmistakable evidence of Naomi’s arousal … fuck, that was hot.
Dawson grinned, licked one digit, and then held his hand out for Josh.
“Here, have a taste.”
His amber eyes darkened when Josh grasped Master’s hand. Naomi’s sweet, addictive taste exploded on his taste buds, made ten times more potent because it was mixed in with the familiar scent of the man he loved to distraction. Josh’s balls drew up in response, and he grunted as his dick jerked inside his pants.
“No coming without my say-so, boy. Besides, you make a mess in our girl’s car you’ll be cleaning it up.”
“Oh my God, you two are too much. I’m sitting right here, you know. Are either one of you going to actually ask me what I think?”
Naomi’s voice had risen to a shrill screech in her agitation. It served as an ice-cold dampener to Josh’s arousal, and he hastily released Dawson’s hand.
“Of course, we do.” He threw an imploring glance at his husband, and Dawson gave a sharp nod. Relief flooded through Josh, at that non-verbal confirmation that his Master was more than willing to step in.
“None of this will work without your consent, and communication is vital. I just don’t appreciate you lying to yourself, or us, girl,” Dawson said.
Naomi tensed further, and Josh could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. Any minute now she would explode in anger.
“Look, Naomi, what Dawson is trying to say—”
“Spare me, Josh.” Naomi glared at him through the rearview mirror, and in a move that wouldn’t have been amiss in a Bond movie, she pulled into the fast lane and put her foot down, as the traffic cleared. Dawson’s hand braced on the dashboard again, and when he looked all set to say something, Josh put his hand on his Master’s shoulder. Dawson glanced back at him, and his brows drew together in a frown at Josh’s shake of the head. He heeded his request, however, and didn’t say anything, as Naomi broke every speed limit in the land in her haste to seemingly get away from them all.
An awkward silence fell between them all, only broken by Naomi’s soft curses when she had to slow down for the inevitable traffic, interspersed by Dawson’s sighs.
Oh, Master was pissed and getting more annoyed by the minute. One of Dawson’s unbreakable rules was the need for his submissives to stay safe. Unwittingly Naomi was breaking that rule, and Josh knew he had to say something to calm this situation down.
“Slow down, sweet cheeks. Getting us killed will not get us there any faster. I’m sorry okay.”
Naomi gasped and glanced at him through the mirror. The sheen of tears in her eyes was like a punch to the gut, and he put his hand on her shoulder. He took the fact that she didn’t immediately shrug him off as a good sign. “I’m sorry I sprung this on you, but I’m not sorry I kissed you. I’m not sorry this is out in the open. We should have probably had this conversation before I got married, but there never seemed a right time, and I’m a fucking coward, okay? I was too afraid to lose our friendship, but we could be so good together. All of us.”
Buy Links:
Evernight: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/her-best-friends-husband-by-doris-oconnor/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077RV4GSB/
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B077RV4GSB/
Amazon CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B077RV4GSB/
Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B077RV4GSB/
Bookstrand: http://www.bookstrand.com/her-best-friends-husband-mmf
Social Media Links:
Website: https://www.dorisoconnor.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mamaD8
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